Known Issues:
I will attempt to keep this section up-to-date with latest list of all Known Issues, rather than listing issues which are known, per revision, because there would be some duplication if any issue is still around for more than one release.
- 3 of my customers have reported that Oculus Quest 2 headset, with link cable and/or AirLink, is not working AT ALL. I have no idea why this is happening for these customers. I worked with one such person and I’ve seen video footage of what they are (not) seeing, so I KNOW they are having these problems, but I have no idea why. It works on my Quest 2 headset that I recently purchased, both with link cable and also with AirLink. And also one customer reported in their review that it works with their Quest 2 AirLink setup; and I have a coworker in my “real job” who is using Quest 2 with AirLink and it works for him. Anyway, it is working OK for some folks, but not others. And I doubt this bug has been “magically” fixed, and unfortunately I have no way to reproduce it or triage it since same/similar setup is working for me.
- There are several minor issues while in new “Zoom Light Year Scale” mode. I have been fixing and working on a multitude of such issues introduced by this new zoom mode. The following issues still remain, yet I wanted to release this new version without further delay:
- Some stars are difficult to “shoot” (laser won’t go “green” even with obvious direct hit). I need to adjust the “collider” size based on star size/distance. When a star is really far away, i.e. normal distance, the collider for each star is HUGE to enable you to select it from so far away. But when zoomed in at light year scale, I am resizing the collider to be much smaller. I just need to find the proper balance between “too big” (one star’s collider obscures another star just behind it) and “too small” (difficult to target), based on distance of each star from the headset.
- Displaying of star details text is somewhat “huge” or “tiny” (depending on distance from headset). Again this is related to the sizing of the text based on distance, similar to collider issue mentioned above. I’ve been playing with the scaling, but still looking for “just right” IMHO.
- Constellation text is not displayed at all (it’s REALLY HUGE, so I’ve disabled it for now). This is also related to sizing based on distance.
- Lines connecting stars need to be refined/narrower. Also related to sizing based on distance. When the stars are at normal distance, far away, the lines connecting the stars are “huge”, i.e. really thick, so that they can be viewed from such a distance. These same huge lines are drawn as you zoom in light year scale, and they resize thinner as you get closer. But I think more refinement is needed.
- It can be difficult to select menu items if stars are zoomed in “too much” such that there are too many stars in front of the menu blocking access to it. Workaround: resize (zoom out) or turn sideways and re-display the menu on your left or right where the stars are less numerous and hence not blocking the menu.
- Transitioning from light year zoom mode back to simple rotation mode sometimes results in all the stars being displayed with reduced magnitude (i.e. really faint), and they are difficult to see. Workaround: restart the app and it fixes itself.
- If image of a selected galaxy/nebula is “zooming” and another galaxy/nebula is selected, the in-progress image suddenly changes to the new image and THEN the new image is RE-drawn in the updated location, but with previous orientation (might be looking at it from the side instead of head-on).
- Sometimes fade to black when going into or coming out of a Visual Experience will “blink” (lights off, on again BRIEFLY, off again briefly, then back on for the duration). It should just be “fade to black, update scenery, unfade”, every time without the on/off blink in the middle.
- Sometimes the night-to-day transition in the “Days and Years” Visual Experience has a “flash” or an “abrupt” change from black-to-blue sky. Not sure why, my LERPs all look correct, and sometimes it even seems to work as expected, so the behavior is inconsistent.
Revision 0.7:
05 August 2022: This is the currently shipping version. It contained the following:
- A new Visual Experience: Shapes in the Sky, which walks through and explores the various constellations.
- A new Visual Experience: My Vision … for this App, which is self explanatory.
- A new Meteor Mode. You can enable random meteors shooting across the night sky. It is enabled by default, but you can turn it off in the “Options”.
- A new 3D Light Year Zoom Mode, as seen in the Visual Experience The Night Sky … in 3D. You control the stars zooming in and out based on their distance.
- Note this mode is intentionally NOT saved to your preferences; instead “Simple Rotation” will be selected on next app restart. Whereas selecting Latitude/Time Rotation” or “Simple Rotation” WILL BE saved to preferences and automatically restored during subsequent startup. I felt that Light Year Zoom was a novelty experience to “play with” for a little while, more than as a desired long term star viewing environment.
- Updated the Intro text, and added zooming super nova logo, to match the marketing images found on the Steam store/library.
- Fixed a bug where any “Image Zoomer” screens created during a Visual Experience were “leftover” (not cleaned up) if the experience was terminated early (press and hold “A” button) while image was being displayed.
- Replaced ugly “galaxy disk” in the Visual Experience “The Night Sky in 3D” with a high-res Milky Way skybox. I plan to eventually go back to a “good looking” galaxy disk in the future, but I feel the skybox is better for now.
- A few additional minor fixes
Revision 0.6:
This was purely an internal milestone. A major refactoring in preparation for making PlanetVRium cross-platform, e.g. native Oculus Quest(TM) support. Preparing for upgrade from old VR SDK to newer one, latest Unity version, etc.
Revision 0.5:
05 April 2022: This was our first publicly-available release of PlanetVRium!