Every time you start up PlanetVRium, it has an opening screen showing the matching controller layout for your device. However, I have had feedback from some of my users that they are not seeing this, and do not know how to use the controllers. So I am creating this page as a support doc for interacting with PlanetVRium.
Quest Touch Controllers
Select Item:
Triggers on both left and right controller are used to “select” the item which is currently being targeted by the laser, which will be green when there is a valid target. Selecting a star in the sky will bring up information about that star: name, distance, magnitude, etc. Selecting a pink/green dot will display a large photograph of the selected nebula/galaxy. Otherwise triggers are used to select menu items, etc.Rotate Stars:
Thumbsticks on both controllers are used to rotate the sky. About half the users think the left/right rotation is “correct”, or as expected, the others think it is “backwards” from what they expect. Rotation up/down, or latitude based rotation, is enabled via Options→Rotation Mode→Enable 3D Rotation. The mathematical calculations for drawing the stars greatly increases in 3D rotation mode, hence performance might be laggy on some lower-end setups.
The “A” button, otherwise known as the primary button on the right Touch controller, is used to bring up the menu, or make it disappear. When watching “Visual Experiences”, press and hold the A button for 1.5 second to abort and return to the main menu.
Change Magnitude:
Th “B” button (or secondary on right controller) filters the visible stars based on magnitude. There are 15 settings, starting at 0.0, and then increasing by 0.5 until reaching 6.5. Only stars brighter than the currently selected filter are visible in the sky, also displayed is the count of the number of stars visible at that setting. Hitting the B button one more time after reaching 6.5 also enables the pink/green dots in the sky for viewing where nebulae and galaxies are located relative to their neighboring stars. And then hitting B one more time cycles back to magnitude 0.0 filter.
Constellation Toggle:
This “X” Button, or the primary on left controller, is used to cycle constellations: off → lines only → lines plus names. And then circle around again back to off. As expected, enables/disables the lines and names for the constellations.
Navigate the Constellations:
The “Y” button (secondary on left controller) emits a shooting star which draws your attention towards the next constellation in alphabetical order. That is, the first time you hit Y button, it will point fat Andromeda, then Antilia, followed by Apus, Aquarius, and so on. Use this to help become acquainted with all 88 IAU constellations.
Other Buttons:
The Grip buttons are not currently used. In the future I intend to bind these to toggle the lasers on and off, for each controller. But I could never get this working reliably, hence it is not yet part of the currently-shipping version.
The Thumbsticks can also be pressed, like a button, but this is not currently associated with any action.
Each controller also has a System button; the right System button is reserved for Oculus to use, and the left System button is (typically) intercepted by SteamVR. Hence PlanetVRium does not have any actions tied to these buttons.
Valve Index and HTC Vive Controllers
Shown below are the buttons and trigger layouts the Vive Wand controller and the Index controller:

The button actions as seen in each picture above are identical to what was described earlier, for Oculus Touch controllers. Of course “X”/”Y” on Oculus is also considered “A”/”B”, on the left Index Controller.
Since the Vive Wand controller does not have thumbsticks, the star rotation is enabled using the left controller 4-way trackpad.

Other Controllers
I personally own an Oculus Rift (first generation) and Oculus Quest 2. I have a friend who has a Valve Index and also an HTC Vive. And other friends who also have Quest 1, 2 and 3. These are the headsets that I know PlanetVRium works on. Unfortunately I don’t know anything about other vendors like the HP VR headset, or Microsoft AR HoloLens, etc. Nor do I know about their respective controllers.