The purpose of this page is just to branch out to other pages, each of which has some random thoughts that I wanted to write down and share with others.  In some respects, my own personal blog.  I hope you enjoy!

The Eye of God?

Last night the moon was lighting up the clouds and it looked like a giant eyeball looking down upon me.

Is There Anybody Out There?

There are many theories that say there must be life out there, somewhere.  There are so many planets, some capable of supporting life, just in our galaxy alone.  Here is what I think about the Fermi Paradox.

Controlling the Universe

Another blog about my aspirations with my creations.

A Video Capture from PlanetVRium

[October 2024] This is a video capture of one of the Visual Experiences in PlanetVRium.  It’s a visualization of Gravity, in virtual reality.  I posted it a few months ago, but never added it here on this page, as a link.  I hope you enjoy.

A Reminder About Us

[October 2024] In the menu at the top right, there is an “About” link, which describes our company.  I just thought I would remind anyone visiting this page to read that page as well.  Thank you for visiting us!

My First Mix Video

I recently posted a YouTube video; my first ever.  Learning new stuff!

Infinite Force

Creating Virtual Worlds

[December 2023] I describe my trials and tribulations in trying to create virtual worlds in PlanetVRium.

The Best VR Game, Ever

[December 2023] OK, so I know it’s not PlanetVRium … but I wish!  I think Xortex 26XX is the best VR game, ever.

A Brother, Fallen

[May 2023] I recently lost my brother, and I want to dedicate the next upcoming version of PlanetVRium to his memory.

Robert’s Vision

[February 2023] OK, yeah, Robert wants to share more of his thoughts about why he created PlanetVRium.

A Tale of Two Toolkits

Camping During the Perseids

My Inspiration