As the creator and sole application developer of PlanetVRium, I am always looking for ways to improve my app.  I recently became aware of the mathematical equations regarding force directed graphs.  And I wondered how that visualization technology could be leveraged.  In summary they describe a way where interconnected objects attract each other, and non connected objects repel each other.  Ultimately this results in a 3 dimensional graph of those objects in space, and how they interact.

This was intriguing.  So I started playing with the code in VR.  However, the issue with force directed graphs is that they are very complex computer algorithms where the performance degrades exponentially as the number of nodes in the graph increases.  And each of those nodes can be connected to many other nodes.  Now imagine gravity, where the number of nodes is infinite: every object, for example a star or a black hole, is connected to every other object with mass.  There are 250 billion stars in our galaxy, and each is connected, or gravitationally attracted, to to every other star in our galaxy.  And beyond.  

Gravity is infinite.  It connects everything to everything else in the universe.  The 250 billion mentioned above was just the stars in our galaxy.  But there are trillions upon trillions of galaxies, each interconnected.  Gravity also created everything.  Because of gravity, elements bonded together and eventually became stars, or the orbiting rings of elements around those stars and whether those elements would become planets or moons, or just remain dust in space.  And the placement of the orbiting mass was the most important thing for life – placement determined the conditions of the planet, how hot or cold it would be relative to the star being orbited.  And how these conditions would ultimately affect the geology of those objects, such as the type of land mass versus liquid mass.  Gravity brought it all together.  And chemistry and physics describe why that mass keeps getting blasted apart, because these forces greatly exceed that of gravity.

I look forward to visualizing the above as a future Visual Experience.